A tiny puppy found abandoned in a paper bag in Los Angeles has melted hearts among internet users after his rescuer shared the story in a viral TikTok video.
MJ Gray, who is caring for him, explained in the clip, shared on March 19 under the username @texasgardenfairy, that she doesn’t know what breed the dog is, or his exact age, although he doesn’t look like he’s old enough to be away from his mother yet.
“I took him, I got him formula. He’s been drinking puppy formula out of a baby bottle. He is a little bean, we are besties! I’m going to guess he’s like 4 weeks old,” she says in the clip, as she explains why she can’t keep him.
“I’m going to take care of him, I don’t think that I am ready for another dog, and I don’t think I’m ready for a puppy like this. So I’m going to take care of him. But I would love to find him a good home, someone who will take really, really good care of him, and understands what he’s gone through.”
“If you have experience with puppies, and you are very financially stable, and you have been wanting a dog. He’s the cutest little bean. Please [direct message] me for my e-mail and you can send me some information via e-mail.”
Gray told Newsweek that when her neighbor ran across a woman sitting in her car with a puppy in a paper bag, trying to find someone to take him, they immediately took it in, and messaged the neighborhood group to see who could help out.
“I don’t know why the woman couldn’t care for him, or why he was taken from their mother so young (the vet confirmed Cosmo is approximately just 4 weeks old), as there was a language barrier. In any case, I’m grateful she was looking for someone to take him instead of doing what many people do and discarding him.”
After she posted about him on her social media, a local doggy day-care offered to help her look after him while she works, until he finds a new home.
“Cosmo currently has a wait-list of people interested in adopting him, with new people calling every day. He’s too young to be re-homed, but once he’s a bit older, neutered and vaccinated, we will begin the process of vetting applicants!” she said.
According to Gray, Cosmo’s story is a great example of how social media can be a tool for good.
“I’m so grateful for everyone who reached out and showed their support and their interest in Cosmo and his story. Cosmo’s story is sad and I wish he could’ve stayed with his mother longer and been born into a home that could care for him.
“However, I’m grateful that this woman tried to find someone who could take him and give him the life that he deserves. A huge thank you to Posh Pet Care in West Hollywood for reaching out and helping care for Cosmo until he can be with his forever home!”
The Cornell Richard P. Riney Canine Health Center says that while the exact time a puppy can go to its new home can vary depending on the specific circumstances, most experts agree that eight weeks of age is a good minimum.
That’s because by then, puppies are able to eat solid food on their own, and they have had enough time to benefit from socializing with litter-mates and observing mom. That is also the ideal time-frame to bond with new owners.
The video went viral on social media and it has so far received over 362,500 views and 35,500 likes on the platform.
One user, Anne, said: “I’m sorry but I would never give up this puppy he’s gone through enough at his young age I would keep him and love him forever.”
Renee wrote: “Looks like a shih tzu mix. Mine had spots like that as a pup but brown. As he gets older you’ll probably be able to guess the mix.”
Sofie creabizco added: “My rescue puppy was found in Crete in a trash can at 9d old! I adopted him at 3m old from Takis Shelter in Crete. Cookie is 6.5y now and thriving!!”
Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.