
Golf clubs
Stories Uncategorized

Woman’s Incredible $19.99 Thrift Find Leaves Husband ‘Freaking Out’

A Nashville woman’s routine shopping trip to Goodwill turned into an unexpected jackpot when she unknowingly stumbled upon a discovery that left her husband “freaking out.” Caroline Ecker was shopping at her local thrift store when she saw a golf club set for sale for just $19.99. Interested, she sent a picture to her husband, […]

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Thrifted popcorn maker
Stories Uncategorized

Shopper Delighted To Find Unique Item Worth $1,200 for $15 in Thrift Shop

A thrift shopper has stunned the internet by showing off the popcorn maker he purchased for just $15—and it’s safe to say, snack time hasn’t been the same since. While visiting the Goodwill Outlet bins in Portland, Oregon, Nick Lafrenz, 29, was surprised to find a professional popcorn maker, the likes of which would be […]

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