Pet Cam Captures Sweetest Thing Dog Grabs When He Hears Owner Coming Home

Dog waiting for owner

A precious moment captured on a pet camera of a dog patiently waiting for his owner to return home instantly melted hearts.

Pet cameras allow owners to check in on their fur babies while they’re home alone. Sometimes owners will catch them up to no good, chewing on furniture or sleeping on the couch when they’re not supposed to. However, TikTok user @that3rdgengirl was brought to tears when she watched the video and saw her large dog named Cowboy doing nothing but patiently waiting for her to return after working all day.

In the March 18 TikTok video, Cowboy sat alert on his blanket staring at the doors and windows hopeful his owner would walk inside soon. And because he did not want to miss her entrance, he barely moved from his spot. All he cared about was being reunited with his human.

Finally, after what probably seemed like a lifetime to him, Cowboy heard her car pull up to the house. He stood up, wagging his tail in preparation to give her a million kisses. Then he grabbed the blanket with his mouth and walked with it toward the door to greet her.

Dogs often carry gifts, such as toys, in their mouths when welcoming home their owners and, according to a vet-approved article from Dogster, this behavior can be a sign of affection and a way for them to channel their excitement. They might carry something in their mouths to get more attention rather than a simple “hello,” but it can also mean they’re ready to play.

Touched by Cowboy’s patience, the owner wrote the caption: “This is too cute, he grabbed his blanky and was ready to snuggle.”

Newsweek reached out to @that3rdgengirl via TikTok for additional comment.

Screenshots from a March 18 TikTok video of a dog waiting patiently for his owner to return from work.


Viewer Reactions

The TikTok video amassed over 613,300 views and 85,900 likes as of Monday. People instantly fell in love with Cowboy calling him an “angel.”

“Awwwww he deserves sooooo many kisses and hugs. I’d be taking too many days off to spend them with him, I’d be fired…” said one viewer.

Another echoed: “See I would lose my job and stay home.”

A third person pointed out: “Just look at that tail go…. happy waiting for mommy.”

Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.

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