New Owner Has Message for Person Who ‘Abused’ Golden Retriever for 9 Years

Senior golden retriever rescue

An owner who rescued her senior dog decided to pass along a few messages to those who “abused” him.

Partners Aubrey and Kori adopted a senior golden retriever, Bruce, in 2024 after losing their previous dog. They thought they wouldn’t be able to own another pup until Bruce’s story came before them.

Bruce spent nine years as a breeding dog and lived in a small, rundown shed. He had limited human interaction and little protection from the Indiana winters or hot summers. His experience led him to be fearful and anxious, something the couple is still working on.

Aubrey and Kori also learned Bruce was heartworm-positive before adopting him, but they didn’t care. They saw this senior canine needed a loving home to live out the rest of his days, especially since older dogs usually have a harder time finding an adopter.

The couple accepted Bruce and his background with open arms, but they also wanted to give a message to those who “abused and neglected” before he was rescued. They shared their thoughts in last week’s TikTok video posted to the account @seniorboybruce. The clip included ill-wishes to those people who hurt their baby, such as hoping they hit every red light when they are in a rush and that they stub their toes anytime they walk barefoot.

The caption reads: “I could add a million more, but I think you get the point.”

Screenshots from a February 26 TikTok video of a golden retriever’s rescuers sending messages to the previous owners who “abused” him.


These messages to the previous owners were in hopes all the bad karma would return to them after hurting Bruce, a dog who did not deserve the cards he was dealt. The couple’s main wish is that those people “never own another animal again.”

Thankfully, Bruce has been healing since going to his forever home. Aubrey and Kori have been working on slowly bringing him to public places to help lessen his anxiety. He has learned his new home is his safe place with endless hugs, kisses and doggy treats.

An Instagram post on the dog’s account, @seniorboybruce, revealed Bruce is now heartworm-negative. He received treatment in November, including two injections and a strict exercise restriction. Plus, the rest of his blood work returned as healthy and normal.

Newsweek reached out to @seniorboybruce via TikTok for additional comment.

TikTok users cheered about Bruce’s rescue, agreeing in the comment section that those who hurt dogs deserve the karma that comes to them.

“You’re both so lucky to have found each other!” said a viewer, while a second posted: “Yes to all of these! He is so sweet and didn’t deserve any of the trauma he experienced.”

Another added: “He is soooo beautiful and looks so grateful.”

Someone else asked: “How could anyone hurt a good boy like him? Glad he has you and never has to feel unsafe again.”

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