Being a bridesmaid is an exciting experience, and the internet is obsessed with one rescue dog who was so desperate to join in and become one of the girls.
While Lynne Mazouz, 25, and a group of friends were prepping for her sister’s upcoming wedding, they were joined by an extra special guest. As they all sat around a table, Archie, the 3-year-old rescue pup tried his best to blend in by taking a seat on one of the chairs.
He tried acting very nonchalant, but he certainly didn’t blend in all that well. The bridal party still loved having him there though, as Mazouz, of Brooklyn, New York, told Newsweek that “he’s a strange but perfect boy.”
Everyone there couldn’t get enough of his goofy antics and was more than happy to have a four-legged guest.
@legendarylynne / TikTok
Mazouz posted the hilarious video of her sister’s dog attempting to be “one of the girls” on TikTok (@legendarylynne) and the internet is obsessed. In just a matter of days, the clip has generated over 1.5 million views and more than 377,100 likes on TikTok at the time of writing.
Indeed, many social media users have insisted that Archie should be an added bridesmaid since he fits in so well.
“Honestly, Archie just loves chairs,” Mazouz said. “It’s expected that as soon as you get up, he’s taking it. When my sister is in the office and needs someone to walk Archie, I’ll walk into her apartment to him sitting in the chair staring at the wall.
She continued: “He sat at the table for probably 10 minutes until I made him get up from the chair.”
Archie has certainly come a long way since he was adopted through Strong Paws Rescue. He was previously found tied up outside during an ice storm in Arkansas.
But just look at him now—just like the other girls prepping for the wedding.
The wedding will take place in Italy this October, and although Archie won’t be in attendance, he still has a tux and will get his own favors.
“My sister is actually making him a bridesmaid’s box at the requests of the thousands who commented. We’ve been to Petsmart and are in the process of putting it together for his fans,” Mazouz told Newsweek.
“I did not expect this video to get so much love, but with Archie, I guess it’s expected. He’s half human, half dog.”
Since the clip was shared on TikTok, social media users have lauded Archie’s attempts to be an honorary bridesmaid. Indeed, many even demanded that he needs to be invited to the wedding, leading to more than 2,000 comments on the TikTok post.
One comment reads: “Too late he’s officially a bridesmaid.”
Another TikTok user wrote: “Wdym [What do you mean] he’s not the one officiating?”
“He already ordered his dress for the bachelorette trip,” joked one commenter.
While another person added: “He is so happy to be included in girls’ night, bless his lil heart!”
Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? We want to see the best ones! Send them in to life@newsweek.com and they could appear on our site.