Dog’s Transformation After Blowout Has Internet Obsessed: ‘Woah’

Woman Brushes Maltipoo

A dog’s delightful transformation after getting her hair blow-dried has melted the hearts of viewers online.

The pup was captured both before and after her all-important trim and blow-dry, which appears to have been done by a professional at a grooming salon. Her owner then shared the clip to TikTok on March 2 under @its.luna.tok where it has been viewed more than 2.4 million times to date.

Viewers on the platform were able to see the canine standing up in a bathtub while soaking wet. The video then transitions to a clip of the dog showing off her fancy new haircut and blowout, with the contrasting looks leading to plenty of laughter in the comments. The post had been captioned: “Woah.”

The dog’s owner had not made clear her breed in the post, and simply captioned the post “mulch.” The internet-derived term refers to small, fluffy and adorable dogs of a variety of breeds and mixes, namely toy poodles and bichon frisés.

The short video played against an upbeat sound that synchronized with the dog tilting her head to show off her new hairdo.

The post has amassed more than 533,000 likes and over 1,000 comments since it was shared to TikTok. Several viewers have gushed over the canine’s hilarious makeover.

“Please how do I tell my groomer this is what I want,” one viewer said.

Another added: “She looks like dryer lint I love [her] so much.”

“Bro, it really is the most beautiful little thing that is seen in life,” a third viewer commented.

One comment read: “Maam I think your dryer lint is sentient.”

“Oh great heavens,” another said. “Very cute floof you have there.”

“Do it’s curly hair routine,” a third added.

Another commented, “have we found Little Bo Peeps lost sheep.” In fact, several TikTok users drew comparison between the curly-haired dog’s new hairdo and sheep with their distinctive wool.

“OMG [oh my God] she is just so cute it hurts,” one viewer posted.

Another added: “Fluff ball of happiness.”

“Thank you for this idea,” a third viewer commented.

One comment read: “Sobbing she is the cutest ever the little head tilts OMG.”

Newsweek reached out to @its.luna.tok for more information via TikTok. The dog’s account has more than 200,000 followers.

Stock image: A woman brushes a brown Maltipoo dog’s fur with a special brush outdoors.

Getty Images

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