A golden retriever from the United Kingdom was on “neighborhood watch duties” when his owners disturbed him, and internet users can’t cope with his reaction.
In a viral TikTok video shared in October by @lifeofbrian_gr, the pup, Brian, can be seen emerging from behind the curtains as his owners call his name a couple of times. The dog looks at them as if waiting for an apology for wasting his time.
“POV [point of view]: when you get disturbed from you neighborhood watch duties,” reads layover text in the clip. A caption says: “What do ya want from me.” Newsweek reached out to @lifeofbrian_gr for comment via TikTok comments. We could not verify the details of the case.
Golden retrievers are known for being among the friendliest and sweetest dog breeds, but their gentle nature doesn’t exclude them from becoming great guard dogs with lots of training and dedication.
A Hepper article, medically reviewed by Dr. Lorna Whittemore, says that, because they are highly intelligent dogs and very keen to please their owners, golden retrievers can definitely make efficient guard dogs, especially if trained from puppies.
An article by Georgia-based veterinarian Jess Kirk, shared by Vet Explains Pets, says that a golden retriever’s guard training usually involved teaching them to bark and alert, and reinforcing their naturally protective instincts.
By using positive reinforcement and keeping your training sessions constant, golden retrievers can learn how to keep your family and home safe, just like most other dogs.
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Dog breeds more commonly used for guarding purposes include German shepherds, who are number one in this field and are routinely employed by police and armed forces; and cane corsos, who are very muscular and intimidating. Akitas, Doberman pinschers, and giant schnauzers are also great choices when it comes to protecting you and your home.
Other dogs listed by the American Kennel Club as the best guardians include the Rottweiler, most shepherd dogs, the Staffordshire bull terrier, volpino Italiano, and Tibetan mastiff among others.
The video quickly went viral on social media and has so far received over 178,900 views and more than 21,600 likes on the platform.
One user, Trickydicky1888, commented: “Spare human ignored four times until the boss spoke.”
ExhaustedElox posted: “What?! I’m busy.”
Ruthy G added: “For the love of God, SHHHH!! Susan & Derek are fighting again & I’m trying to listen in!”
Do you have funny and adorable videos or pictures of your pet you want to share? Send them to life@newsweek.com with some details about your best friend, and they could appear in our Pet of the Week lineup.