‘Connections’ March 12: Hints and Answers for Puzzle #640

Man Yellow Sweatshirt Mint Green Background Phone

Are you having trouble with today’s Connections puzzle? Need some tricks to complete it? You are in the right place.

The popular word-based game skyrocketed in popularity following its release by The New York Times in June 2023. That being said, the brainteaser—which often incorporates homophones and wordplay—can be difficult to crack. And while you may find that you can easily answer one or two categories, the last couple could leave you stumped.

Luckily, Newsweek has rounded up top tips for game #640. Keep reading for details, but be warned that the answers will also be provided below, so if you would like to work them out for yourself, then we advise you scroll with caution.

How To Play ‘Connections’

Players are tasked with finding common threads among a set of 16 words. These words must be separated into four categories, which are color-coded for difficulty: yellow is the easiest, followed by green, blue and then purple.

For example, in Tuesday’s game, the words “alarm,” “bell,” “intercom” and “phone” were linked to the green category, “Things that ring.”

If you are in need of a reset, perhaps clicking the “Shuffle” button, which mixes up the words, will help.

Wyna Liu—puzzle editor at The New York Times who comes up with the Connections games—previously shared her best advice for solving the game with Newsweek readers.

“Wait as long as you can before guessing. You may see the board and have completely identified the category, seeing five words that could belong in that category,” Liu said. “Don’t try to guess the four words in that category, because, even though you know what the fifth member is, you won’t know which of the four it might not be.”

Liu also encouraged players not to “rage solve,” which she has been known to do from time to time.

Stock image: A man wearing a yellow sweatshirt in front of a mint-green background smiles while looking at the camera and holding a cellphone.

FabrikaCr/iStock / Getty Images Plus

‘Connections’ #640 Hints and Clues for Wednesday, March 12

Below are Newsweek‘s hints to help you with Wednesday’s game:

Yellow: Baking ingredients

Green: Red in color

Blue: Words that don’t rhyme

Purple: Terms before “Candy”

‘Connections’ #640 Answers for Wednesday, March 12


Yellow Words: Butter, Eggs, Flour, Sugar


Green Words: Cardinal, Elmo, Ketchup, Rose


Blue Words: Month, Orange, Purple, Silver

Purple Category: ___ CANDY

Purple Words: Cotton, Eye, John, Rock

Give yourself a round of applause if you conquered today’s Connections! Don’t dwell on it though if you didn’t. You will get another chance on Thursday when a new game will be available for you to try.

Connections is released at midnight in your local time zone, so be sure to check back with Newsweek daily for more clues and answers.

In the interim, these other word-based games will test your brain.

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