Man Expected a Package Delivery—Then Found a Wild Note Instead


A man who had been expecting a parcel to be delivered instead arrived home to a wild message from the postal service.

Deano lives in Cairns, Australia, where he says curlew birds are “quite abundant” in the city, and “like many people we have a pair that nest in our yard.”

Bush Stone-curlews are a nocturnal, ground-dwelling bird found throughout Australia, and are known for their eerie, high-pitched calls, usually at night, according to Birdlife Australia.

“They are usually pretty timid, their main defense is to lay flat on the ground and pretend to be a stick, but when they have chicks they can be a little more aggressive,” Deano told Newsweek.

“They hold their wings out to look bigger and will walk straight at you wailing and hissing. It’s a bit intimidating but they won’t actually bite.”

They can, however, cause chaos in other ways, as Deano found out when he arrived home to a note from Australia Post, advising him that his package was unable to be delivered.

And the reason, written on the note: “Sorry, couldn’t get to the door. The curlews were losing their…”

Deano received this note from the postal service advising him they were unable to deliver his parcel for a bizarre reason.

Reddit u/The_Duc_Lord

An Australia Post spokesperson told Newsweek: “Our Posties deliver to all corners of our country, and on occasion need to make judgment calls to avoid a risky encounter with one of the many and varied creatures that call Australia home.

“If a Postie feels unsafe to drop off a parcel for any reason, including nesting curlews, they will take the item back to the local Post Office for later collection.”

The spokesperson went on: “Customers with potential hazards on their property—whether wildlife related or a family pet—can help keep their Postie safe by opting for delivery to a free 24/7 parcel lockers or use the AusPost app to redirect their parcel to a safer location.”

Deano shared the note to Reddit‘s r/Australia sub via his account u/The_Duc_Lord on February 24, with the simple title: “Delivery Attempted.”

And it proved popular, racking up over 8,500 upvotes and hundreds of comments, one writing: “Yep finally, a reasonable card left out.”

“I’m not going to criticize the driver,” another agreed, while one called it “fair and acceptable.”

Another joked the postal service had introduced a new delivery policy: “Will attempt delivery unless your birds think they’re in a Hitchcock film.”

And as one summed it up: “That’s the best reason I’ve seen from a postie, and completely legitimate!”

Pictured: Stock image of Bush stone-curlews in Australia.

Frank Fichtmuller/Getty Images

Deano told Newsweek that the “haunting and eerie” calls from curlews “are confusing for people when they hear them for the first time, but you soon get used used to hearing them all night long.”

As for whether he ever got his package in the end, he confirmed he simply picked it up the following day, direct from the post office.

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